The pub culture over here is something else. Pubs are everywhere, and rather than being a place where people go on the odd occasion, or once a week, going to the pub seems to be part of the daily routine of a lot of English people. Well, in my experience anyway.
At The Grouse & Ale we have quite a number of 'regulars' who come into the pub every day. It's quite an eclectic group of individuals, and they all know each other which makes for a nice atmosphere. I thought I'd share a bit about our regulars in this post, to give a better sense of the people I have met during my time at The Grouse.
Wayne and Jannina - Wayne is a short, ruddy-faced blonde man with a really rough English accent. He comes in every day, without fail, and orders a fosters with a dash of lime cordial. The way he speaks is very emotive, he's expressive and always laughing. I think he's a landscaper of some sort. His wife Jannina is also short and blonde, but she always looks like she's sour about something. You never know what to expect from her - whether she'll be in a good mood or whether she'll snap her order at you (which is always a white wine spritzer, soda, no ice). I think she's a teacher. They both smoke like chimneys.
Ollie - Ollie is a lovely 50-something Irish man with a great big bulb of a red nose. He's one of the kindest customers, always saying 'and would you like a drink for yourself, Dale?' when he orders his pint of fosters. He has a son called Dayle, which he told me not long after I started working here. He often brings his gorgeous little brown and white cocker spaniel Georgia in with him (Yep, dogs are allowed in our pub. Actually, dogs are allowed in most places in England. It's weird), who is very well behaved and just sits there watching him the whole time. Sometimes she even gets up and sits on one of the chairs and stares out with her big brown eyes. She's a lovely little dog. And it's clear that Ollie and Georgia are the best of friends because if Ollie passes her lead to someone while he goes to the bathroom, she gets all anxious like 'where is my master gone?!' until he gets back. Ollie reckons the All Blacks are going to win the RWC.
Smed - I have no idea what Smed's real name is, but he's a very friendly little tubby man who works as a builder. He kind of reminds me of one of the 7 dwarves. lol. He always gets a pint of guiness and often brings his dog Willow in with him. Now Willow isn't quite as welcome as Georgia because Willow is a GREAT DANE. She doesn't bark or cause any mischief but she's just so big it's a pain to get around her at times!
Kronenbourg Phil - Phil is a big, bald guy with an even bigger beer-belly who comes in most days for his pints of Kronenbourg. He's about to get married so all we've been hearing about lately is his stag do and the wedding, which half the pub is invited to. I think a lot of the other customers find him irritating, from the looks I've seen them exchange, and the comments I've heard. He's not too bad, but not a favourite of mine.
Marina and Dave - Now this couple is one of my favourites. Marina is a short, fat Irish woman with a blonde bob and a heart of gold. She's so friendly and always greets me by name and calls me darling. She made sure to tell me when she drove past the All Blacks on the M40 the other day too! She's an avid rugby fan - supporting Ireland, of couse, and came in wearing her green Irish rugby jumper the other day when they were playing. She's a gem. Her husband Dave is great too - he tries to copy my accent (terribly) and pokes fun at me, playfully, which is fun. Marina always gets a small chardonnay and Dave gets a fosters.
Graeme and Nicky - I wasn't quite sure about these two at the start, but I've warmed to them. They come off as a bit posh, and apparently they sometimes complain that the music is too loud, or that they can hear the washing machine upstairs, so they are a bit high maintenance. Graeme is a very articulate man in his 60s who gives an air of being very well-to-do and wealthy. Yet he drinks fosters - the cheapest beer! haha. He's friendly enough though, and greets me by name. I don't know what he does for a living but I reckon he's an accountant or something like that. I'll ask Ron. Nicky is a bit quieter but she's also nice and greets me by name now. She drinks strongbow - the cider we have on tap.
Two-pint Steve - This guy is everyone's favourite. He got his nickname because he always comes in for two pints of guiness and two packets of crisps. And he always comes in around 10.30/11pm and stays until closing. He's a decorator by trade and has 2 daughters, and grew up with 3 sisters, so my workmates say he comes in to get away from the women for a bit. He's a really good guy, Steve. I did a couple of closing shifts on my own when another staff member was away and everyone was saying to me 'oh you'll get two-pint coming in around 10.30' so I was very curious about meeting this guy. And, embarassingly, when he did come in, another customer told him I was excited to meet him. lol. But Steve is really nice and easy to talk to. He's very interested in sport so we talk about rugby a bit, and he's always interested in what I've done while I've been over here. Ron and Linda always toy with him and give him grief, but he loves it. He's a bit of a silver fox too - good looking for an older man! haha.
Skels - His name is Dave Skelsey but everyone calls him Skels. He's this super tall, chubby bald man with a very distinctive (and loud) voice. He's a really playful, cheeky guy who always stands at the end of the bar, blocking the staff exit on one side. Sometimes I'll go up to him and say excuse me but he purposly won't move, just to be a pain. It's all in good fun. He drinks fosters too and sometimes brings wifey in with him. She's a riot as well - seriously all she does is laugh when she comes in. You can hear her laughter from a mile away (and from upstairs in my room it's particularly noticeable). They're both lovely people.
Colin - Awwww Colin. He's an old dear that one. Comes in as soon as the pub opens every day for his pint of deuchars IPA. He always says 'Hello Dale' and 'Bye Dale' when he leaves, and gives me a great big smile. His son died about a year ago in a car accident, poor old thing. Ron said he has aged a lot since that happened. He only ever gets one pint, so I think he just comes in for the camaraderie. His son left him some money and when he was alive he wanted to buy his Dad a car, so Colin has honoured that and bought himself a nice new red Kia with the money his son left him. Sometimes Colin orders ham egg and chips, but can't have them without vinegar!
John - Wears a flat-cap and is a terribly heavy smoker (seriously, sooooo many people smoke over here, it's terrible). He's a bit of a seedy old chap, making off-hand comments towards me sometimes. But I know to just ignore him. And he's told me to ignore him! He's only got about two top teeth left. And he's always laughing and picking fun at people, and talking to all the customers that come in, whether or not he knows them!
So I don't have any photos of the regulars, cause that would be weird. But I do have a couple to share..
This is my Romanian workmate Costin, who I talked about in my previous post.
These are some typical English houses in Lane End - always brick and always joined together. Each of the houses in this picture is effectively two houses.
That's all folks!